Having released a slew of very enjoyable 7 inch singles since their reportedly casual inception in 2010, Melbourne's Boomgates grace us with their first full length LP 'Double Natural'. Whereas the band's singles could be seen as short and sweet lessons in catchy pop songwriting, on 'Double Natural' Boomgates expand on their mastery of indie pop by simply relaxing the tempo and getting a little more reflective. That isn't to say these songs aren't catchy, each of these 10 songs have the potential to get stuck in your head in almost a criminal way, such is their powerful use of melody. Vocal duties are shared between Brendan Huntley and Steph Hughes, together
creating something so undeniably lovely and pure that the effect could potentially warm the blackest heart of the coldest killer.
There's a distinctly Australian, nostalgic quality to these songs. Feelings are conveyed predominately through imagery. Opening track 'Flood Plains' has enough liquid related metaphors to make one need to urinate, 'Cows Come Home' name drops two of everyones favourite farm yard animals whilst giving a beautiful nod to depression. 'Hanging Rock' references that eternally haunting natural landmark so ingrained within our national consciousness.
Released on Brisbane's very own Bedroom Suck Records, just one of many great Australian bands the label plans to release this year, Boomgates' 'Double Natural' arrives just as winter leaves, providing an album full of bright tunes that make you want to get out of the dark recess that is your bedroom and out into the sunlight. To do what exactly I'm not sure, but with Boomgates in your head it would definitely be worth the effort.