We all know that a lot of Australia’s animals and plants are under threat of extinction. But what will it take to get these species back? And if we could put a price on it, what would it cost? 4ZZZ's intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond interviewed Professor James Watson from the University of Queensland, who conducted research on the cost of recovering all of Australia’s threatened animals and plants, which has been calculated for the first time.
For a deep dive...
You can find out more about Professor James' threatened species research and recovery of endangered species at raresgroup.com.au. You can also visit https://cbcs.centre.uq.edu.au/ which is the UQ Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science website which has fantastic research and resources about different elements of conservation.
Anita Diamond is a music creator both as a solo artist and a vocalist for symphonic death metal band Necrostasis. Her current profession is in the field of technology, where she works as a web developer but outside of that, her passion is music and journalism. She loves telling stories and interviewing people so that we can all learn from the great wealth of knowledge out there!