Impacts of Raymond Park's Revamp - Olympics 2032

Thursday, July 20, 2023
by Toni Pankaluic

The Queensland Government proposes to build a full-sized athletics warm-up track in Brisbane’s Raymond Park for the 2032 Olympic Games. 

The Kangaroo Point parkland located is one of many inner-city greenspaces eyed for major infrastructure changes over the coming years.

Why are the proposed plans for the parkland controversial, and what overall impact will the Olympics bring for Brisbane?

4ZZZ’s Toni Pankaluic spoke to Trina Massey, Greens Councillor for the Gabba Ward as well as local residents to find out more… 

For a Deep Dive...

To keep up with the latest proposals from the State Government, subscribe to their newsletter. 

Or join the Friends of Raymond Park Facebook group with local residents posting news updates and petitions. 

Toni Pankaluic

Toni Pankaluic is a Journalist and contributor to Brisbane Line