Eco Radio
Dave, Issy, Zack and sometimes Comet, Geoff, Andrew and Wave
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Eco Radio explores some of the strategies at the forefront of the move toward sustainability and keeps you updated on what's going on in your community and how you can be involved. If you would like to get in contact with us you can email
03 August, 2022
Surviving with Geoff and Wavy
Today on the show Geoff has brought us an interview with Peter Kearney from Gleanr, about his platform to support urban food growers.
Registrations are also ending on the 7th of August for the 1 year reoccupation ceremony of Wangan and Jagalingou land in central queensland, it’s going to be a huge momentous occasion From 22nd to 26th August with ceremonies, workshops, speakers and music but you need to have your tickets for the waddanungu camp stay, we will leave a link to that in our show notes or head to
And starting this Friday is Radiothon when we ask listeners to subscribe and keep this amazing community news and entertainment aperatatis on the air for another year, we also give out prizes to subscribers and while the radiothon prizes are always amazing I thought that ecoradio could make a special ecoradio prize again. Last year we whittled a special 4ZZZ spoon made from white cedar which max from know idea won, But this year we are giving away the most delicious jam in the world, Davidson Plum Jam, it’s the most fantastic native fruit and it makes a perfect jam with sour and sweet flavour profiles in perfect balance but that’s not all, it is accompanied by a painting of those plums so you can remember the taste forever.
Bushcare Round up
15:00-17:30 – Community garden Working Bee and Potluck - 5 Dudley St, Highgate Hill
08:30-10:30 - Mother-of-Millions Working Bee - 47 Fleming Road, Chapel Hill
09:00-10:00 - Working Bee - Bowie's Flat Wetland Bushcare Group – coopooroo.
14:00-17:00 – Tree Planting at Arnwood Place - annerley
08:00-11:00 - August Working Bee Pathway Planting Party - Clarina Street Park, chapel hill.
08:00-10:00 - Maintenance working bee - Yoorala St Community Garden
Ocean Crusaders have spots available for hardcore river clean-ups all week and weekend, get in contact with Ocean crusaders to get a spot.