Dykes On Mykes

Ruth, Kate, Bec


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

LGBT news, views, music & general bollocks with Ruth, Kate and Bec! 

Dikes on Mics from 6pm - 8pm every Wednesday evening features all things homo, news, and music for and about the queer and lesbian community in Brisbane.

"We agitate to end homophobia, educate about issues facing lesbian and queer women, and organise to promote lesbian and queer women’s events locally, nationally and internationally."

We have regular guests of all varieties and specifically play a diverse range of music featuring female vocalists that isn’t heterosexually identified. We promote and interview artists, writers, performers, health and community workers as well as those involved in the music industry; we are also all active within the queer community from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Since 1978 4ZZZ has continually presented programs in support of the LGBT community. On the 30th of September 1992, the weekly lesbian and gay program "Gay Waves" changed in both format, and name. It became a cycle every three weeks (Wednesdays 6-9pm) of "Queer Radio" for men, "Queer Radio" for LGBTs and "The Lesbian Show" by and for women.

The Lesbian Show then changed its name to Dikes On Mics in the mid-90's, and 4ZZZ allocated each show a weekly two hour time slot in August 2002.

Look us up on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dykesonmykesradio/

Handle us at Instagram - @dykesonmykesradio

Email: dykesonmykesradio@gmail.com



15 January, 2025

Seeker Lover KeeperEven Though I'm A WomanAUS 08:11:09
Shannon and The ClamsWax & String 06:15:12
Throwing MusesSummer of Love 06:45:10
Being Jane LaneVanilla NationLOCAL 06:43:08
Abbe MayClam RattlerAUS 06:48:35
LuckyNever KnowAUS 06:51:23
KYARAInto The DarkAUS 07:04:49
Caroline PolachekSo hot you're hurting my feelings 07:08:42
Becca HatchBrown Girl ChroniclesAUS 07:34:02
WIFEYBeauty (I stooped so low for)AUS 07:40:42
Miss KanninaPush UpAUS 07:44:26
AlloraDon't Recommend LOCAL 07:55:08
Kat Flowers Funny FlowersLOCAL 07:58:55