Know Idea

with Max, Jay, Peta, Vi, Issy & Gabe feat. 100%* New Aussie Music as selected by DJ T


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Your weekly dose of science on 4ZZZ for over 10 years! All things space & time, environment, health, tech, psychology plus everything else in-between. Music submissions: Instagram: @knowidea4zzz. Facebook: Twitter: TEXT your science questions to 0420 626 733

*100% new Aussie music only guaranteed when Max is in the mood for it.


24 July, 2024

Photo Credit (FIA)

SUPER-XLove MyselfAUS 10:05:46
HaynzaLose Myself to Find You LOCAL 10:14:31
Hayley MarstenDrowning MyselfLOCAL 10:16:46
The Wretched VillainsI Wanna Lose Myself In YouLOCAL 10:24:34
Divinyls I Touch MyselfAUS 10:29:01
The SaintsErotic NeuroticLOCAL 10:32:56
FelivandMake Myself Happy [Feat. Floyd Fuji] LOCAL 10:41:28
Ash AcidI Love MyselfAUS 10:44:50
Sex PistolsNo Feelings 10:47:54
Rat RevengeI Hate MyselfLOCAL 10:54:51
Cloud TangleThinking of MyselfLOCAL 11:02:55
CollarTripping Over Myself LOCAL 11:24:39
HanniTalking To Myself In The MirrorLOCAL 11:43:48
VerumIDK MyselfLOCAL 11:46:34
Full Flower Moon BandDevilLOCAL 11:54:40