Only Human

Belle, SteveK, Brody, MC Chosen, Nate & Kim


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Missed the show?  Catch up On Demand or listen to selected interviews here:


21 July, 2024

Today on the program with Brody & Belle, we spoke to Cryst Coleman (East Papuan artist, activist and community organiser) about the struggle for West Papuan independence from the occupation by Indonesia, the signficance of the Morning Star flag, the complicity of the so called Australian government including the use of Manus Island to detain West Papuans. Finally we discussed the upcoming film screening Sun July 28 at Echo and Bounce and how to get involved in the movement in Magan-djin.
More info:

Ukam MaranHappy Independence Day Free West Papua
Sprigga MekFaiyah Pikinini
Rage Against the MachineBullet in the Head
NaavikaranZai Ki NakaAUS
Archie RoachGet back to the LandAUS