Rusted Satellites
Cieon and Kurt
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Ambient, instrumental and experimental music from Australia and around the world. Featuring occasional live performances by local, interstate and international musicians. Hosted by Kurt, Joel and Yulia.
05 May, 2024
Hand to EarthNunguryu NunguryuAUS 06:01:40
Chihei Hatakeyama & Dirk SerriesSprakk 06:09:23
Adam WiltzieStock Horror 06:17:53
LeavingBelongingAUS 06:22:13
Bernardo Alviz & Phoebe RussellSepulcro para un recuerdoLOCAL 06:28:00
Bernardo Alviz & Phoebe Russell...y terminaLOCAL 06:53:04
Poppy Ackroyd, Hinako OmoriPause (Reimagined by Hinako Omori) 06:57:25
Vintage Credenza Blackhole SunriseLOCAL 07:00:33
Kangding RayNacht Und Tag 07:07:17
Soft BladeGlimpse 07:11:38
Carla dal FornoDeep SleepAUS 07:13:58
Einstürzende NeubautenBeauty 07:17:05
BramblesGlassAUS 07:19:40
Oli XLPower Over Death 07:21:49
OuterBrackish LOCAL 07:27:43
Forest ManagementEastbound 07:29:26
Fever RayIf I Had a Heart 07:32:54
Heva VaupelVirgo 07:36:40
Kim GordonTrophies 07:40:29
Keiji Haino, Jim O'Rourke, Oren AmbarchiStill Unable To Throw Off That Teaching A Heart Left Abandoned Unable To Get Inside That Empty Space Nerves Freezing That Unconcealed Sadness?AUS 07:46:24