
Cleo & Jesse


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The 4ZZZ show by university students! We dive deep into Brisbane university culture and spin tracks from artists who currently study or recently graduated from universities around Brisbane. Email:


26 March, 2025

Hicktown Barn(or)abbey

Cleo and Jesse are joined by the members of Hicktown Barnaby to talk about the work they have been doing recently, which may or may not include an upcoming album...

Hicktown BarnabyYouLOCAL 07:02:00
Hicktown BarnabyGood FeelingLOCAL 07:14:00
Red HillBlue CardLOCAL 07:17:00
Special FeaturesHolding on/upLOCAL 07:34:00
Miss MardyWho Lives Like YouLOCAL 07:45:00
Hicktown BarnabyLike Candy, Like SugarLOCAL 07:48:00
Dublin RoseFor WhatLOCAL 07:54:00