The New Zealand Show

Lindsay, Bernie and Jeff


8:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Kiaora.  We present the best of Past and Present NZ music presented by people who were there and have really great accents ay bro. and are passionate about NZ music. We have presented this show since 1983 Including new music, artist / tour info & other news from across the ditch. The oldest member of the show being our founder who has been at it since 1983 and younger guys Jeff and Bernie who bring new musical perspectives to the show. Featuring News and Information Including Kiwi Films and Everything Kiwi

With Lindsay,Jeff and Bernie(plus occasional guests).And Feturing Leyton as NZ live Correspondent 


25 March, 2025

WelcomerNothing Of You Remaining
Phoebe Rings Aseurai
Phoebe RingsDrifting
Keeley ShadeHardly There
Gina MalcolmKnee Deep
Gina MalcolmTemptress
Elizabeth MetcalfeGhost
Donal GunningYour 1
Ben RueggThis Chaotic Sea
Haast HunterSpite
Imposter Syndrome You I saw
Jenni SmithLaugh Louder
KZZFeeling a Way
MissCrystalStarrTheatrical In Fact
Mini SimmonsSourthern Cold
Mini SimmonsA way with Murder
OtherwomanExistential Crisis
People of the SunLisurgen
Raging Flowers Tissue Paper
Reb FountainNothing Like
Samantha JosephineYou Dream
The ChillsIll Protect You
The Chills And When Your There
Stone CloneBlack Widow
Devilskin Barracuda
DevilskinLet me Breathe
NO TagLegalised Dogs (Kiwi Classic 1)
Blam Blam BlamDont Fight it Marsha, Its Bigger than both of Us (kiwi classic 2)