The Proper Gander
Evan Dently
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Silliniess, jokes and peculiar positivity with a blistering soundtrack.
25 March, 2025
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We made it to 16 so it's time to drive. Get in quick because this is bat country.
Playing thematic jams and local stuff from Gudgeon, Being Jane Lane, One More Billy and Citizen Rat. Like follow etc. on FB PLEASE (pretty).
CAKEThe distance
Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh PrinceBitch you saw my blinker
PrimusJerry was a race car driver
Ice-TPimp behind the wheels
Cedar WaltonLow rider
Citizen RatShut my mouthLOCAL
One More BillyLoose lipsLOCAL
Being Jane LaneSavage SundayLOCAL
'Weird' Al YankovicShe drives like crazy
MinistryJesus built my hotrod
Cheech & ChongCruisin' with Pedro de Pacas and Man
Bob MarleyJudge not