What is the Dead Internet Theory?

Sunday, June 2, 2024
by Toni Pankaluic

Have you ever heard of a theory making the rounds in online forums and news outlets for the past few years relating to the rise of Artificial Intelligence and bots on the internet? Well it’s called the Dead Internet Theory, and you might wonder what exactly does it mean? Did the internet ‘die’ and evolve into something we don’t recognise or is there something sinister involving AI and bots?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic discussed the Dead Internet Theory as well as Artificial Intelligence with Dr Jake Renzella a Lecturer of Computer Science and Director of Studies for Computer Science at the University of New South Wales.

For a deep dive...

Here are Jake's articles on the Dead Internet Theory as well as Large Language Models. Jake is also involved in the Day of AI Australia, where Aussie kids learn valuable lessons on Artificial Intelligence.

Toni Pankaluic

Toni Pankaluic is a Journalist and contributor to Brisbane Line