Anniversary Week of the Korean War and Developments post 1953

Did you know this week marks the 74th anniversary of the Korean War? In fact, the exact date of the war’s outbreak began on June 25, 1950. In the English-speaking world, the war is sometimes considered the Forgotten War, perhaps due to being overshadowed by the long-running Vietnam War. However the war is certainly not forgotten by the peoples of both North Korea and South Korea with its ramifications still being felt today and tensions lingering between the two countries… who have undergone two very different paths.

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Professor Kyung Moon Hwang, Director of the Australian National University’s Korea Institute to gain an in depth understanding of the Korean War as well as learning about the post war trajectories of the two Koreas.

Experts and Advocates Say Crisafulli's 'Adult Crime, Adult Time' Unproductive

Youth crime will undoubtedly take centre stage at the 2024 Queensland State Election. At the Liberal/National Party State Conference in July, Opposition Leader David Crisafulli announced that, if elected, he would amend laws so that children could be charged as adults for certain crimes. 4ZZZ Journalist Joshua McIntosh spoke with CEO of the Youth Advocacy Centre, Katherine Hayes and Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology's School of Justice, Angela Higginson, about the policy and the impacts it might have. 

Australian Foundation for Children With Aids

The Australian Foundation for Children With Aids is a non for profit organization working with the American Foundation for Children With Aids to provide critical and comprehensive services to infected and affected HIV+ children.

4ZZZ journalist Harry Kuzewicz spoke to founding board member Kathy Kirk about the organization and the challenges that they face.

Federal Politics

Community Group Searching For Independent To Take On Opposition Leader

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton may face Independent opposition in his seat of Dickson at the next Federal Election. 4ZZZ Journalist Joshua McIntosh spoke with Anthony Smith, an organiser for Voices For Dickson - the community group seeking to field an Independent candidate.

Foreign Affairs

Anniversary Week of the Korean War and Developments post 1953

Did you know this week marks the 74th anniversary of the Korean War? In fact, the exact date of the war’s outbreak began on June 25, 1950. In the English-speaking world, the war is sometimes considered the Forgotten War, perhaps due to being overshadowed by the long-running Vietnam War. However the war is certainly not forgotten by the peoples of both North Korea and South Korea with its ramifications still being felt today and tensions lingering between the two countries… who have undergone two very different paths.

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Professor Kyung Moon Hwang, Director of the Australian National University’s Korea Institute to gain an in depth understanding of the Korean War as well as learning about the post war trajectories of the two Koreas.

Federal Government's Migration Strategy Requires Transition Period, Advocates Say

Last year, Australian Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil announced the government's Migration Strategy. As a apart of the strategy, it was announced that changes to temporary visas would be introduced, in an effort to curb the number of 'permanently temporary' residents. 4ZZZ Journalist speaks with International Officer at the University of Queensland, Anshul Phaugat, about the changes, and their impact on international students in Australia.

Assange Walks Free

On Tuesday June 25th 2024, it was announced that after fourteen long years, prison time, and an extended stay at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange would accept a plea deal from the United States on the island of Saipan, and finally return to Australia a freed man. It’s something that has been years in the making, and it’s a victory that advocates for free speech and freedom of the press have long campaigned for.

Finance, Technology

All things cyber security

Ever received those pesky emails or texts and realised they were a scam? We've all had it happen to us, but what exactly is cyber crime? And what can we do to stop it?

Youth Targeted Alcohol Advertising on Social Media

A new study at the University of Queensland has found that on average young Australians are being exposed to alcohol advertisements on social media every 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
PhD candidate Brienna Rutherford from UQ’s National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, examined the social media accounts of 125 university students aged 17 to 25, and found they had been exposed to almost 800 alcohol advertisements.
4ZZZ Journalist Harry Kuzewicz spoke to Brienna Rutherford and Associate Professor Dr. Gary Chan about the implications of these findings.

Brisbane, Arts

History of Stonemasonry, Gravestones and Brisbane's Quarries

Is a stonemason becoming a lost art like a blacksmith or a cobbler? Do you know what a quarry is? How about the various materials used in a gravestone?


UQ Students for Palestine Pack Up Their Encampment for the Semester

On Sunday the 2nd of June UQ Students for Palestine activists packed up their tents after a month-long encampment that took place at the heart of the University of Queensland's Great Court. Over the past several weeks the campus has hosted rallies, and sit-ins and been witness to some of the biggest student activism events seen in Australia in recent decades.