The Songs of Tom Smith

He can’t sing, play guitar or get a gig to save himself. He has an aching nostalgia for the ‘90s’ in Adelaide and the ‘Noughties’ in Brisbane when he could still con his friends into starting bands. Long time ago now but doesn’t stop him wanting to recreate past glories.

Last few years, in desperation to find any audience, Tom has taken to open mic nights, busking and even reciting his song lyrics as performance poetry.

Having failed to connect with an audience in any of these forums, and in an obvious plea for attention, he put up a post on Facebook saying ‘You do it, I can’t be bothered!’ and asked if anyone wanted to have his songs since they were no use to him anymore. At best he was hoping for a few ‘likes’ and maybe a commiseratory comment or two.

He seems to think it’s a great lark and is still happily giving away songs to anyone that wants one.

Have a listen to one of the 26 songs recorded so far or download for free at:

Tom has been heartened by the response of many bands and musicians who have generously done amazing versions of songs he has written. He has decided to bring the songs to the live performance arena and has recently had gigs in Adelaide and Brisbane (Melbourne soon to follow)

Various guest vocalists take their turn to get up and do their renditions with local backing bands who generously agree to learn the songs. Tom’s only role is usually as MC (unofficial: chief heckler). These events are billed as ‘You Do It I Can’t Be Bothered – The Songs of Tom Smith.’


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